Flowering Anubias

I posted recently about my latest attempt to banish the dreaded black hair algae from my tropical aquarium. Well, I’m happy to say that it seems to have worked and now keeping the tank clean is a breeze! No more scraping, scrubbing and bleaching everything in the tank every few weeks.

To reiterate, the new tactics were as follows, aimed at lowering the phosphates that were probably powering the algae’s rampant growth.

  • Add live plants, to consume the phosphates in the water.
  • Change the feeding regime:
    • use a lower-phosphate food, rather than the “premium” stuff we had been using
    • feed less overall, as we were probably over-feeding and the excess, high-phosphate food was lingering.

I had been battling this scourge for the last year or more, so I am delighted to have solved the problem.

Also, live plants are more fun than plastic ones. The Anubias is flowering already, as you can see in the picture.